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ASPxSchedulerOptionsToolTips Properties

Provides access to options characterizing appointment and selection tooltips.
Name Description
AppointmentDragToolTipCornerType Gets or sets the shape of the corners for the tooltip that appears when an appointment is dragged.
AppointmentDragToolTipUrl Gets or sets the location of the custom tooltip form shown when an appointment is dragged.
AppointmentMobileToolTipUrl Gets or sets the location of the custom tooltip form shown when the mouse hovers over an appointment on mobile devices.
AppointmentToolTipCornerType Gets or sets the shape of the corners for the appointment tooltip.
AppointmentToolTipMode Specifies whether the appointment tooltip is displayed as a button or as a hint.
AppointmentToolTipUrl Gets or sets the location of the custom tooltip form shown when the mouse hovers over an appointment.
SelectionToolTipCornerType Gets or sets the shape of the corners for the time cell selection tooltip.
SelectionToolTipUrl Gets or sets the location of the custom tooltip form shown when the mouse cursor is positioned above selected time cells.
ShowAppointmentDragToolTip Gets or sets whether a tooltip is shown when an appointment is dragged.
ShowAppointmentToolTip Gets or sets whether a tooltip is shown for an appointment.
ShowSelectionToolTip true if a tooltip is shown for a selected area in the scheduler; otherwise, false.
See Also