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PivotGridClientSideEvents Properties

Contains a list of the client-side events available for the pivot grid control.
Name Description
AfterCallback Obsolete. Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientPivotGrid.AfterCallback event.
BeforeCallback Obsolete. Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientPivotGrid.BeforeCallback event.
BeginCallback Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code that will handle the client BeginCallback event.
CallbackError Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a client pivot grid’s ASPxClientPivotGrid.CallbackError event.
CellClick Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the ASPxClientPivotGrid.CellClick client event.
CellDblClick Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the ASPxClientPivotGrid.CellDblClick client event.
CustomizationFieldsVisibleChanged Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a client pivot grid’s ASPxClientPivotGrid.CustomizationFieldsVisibleChanged event.
EndCallback Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code that will handle the client EndCallback event.
Init Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client Init event.
PopupMenuItemClick Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a client pivot grid’s ASPxClientPivotGrid.PopupMenuItemClick event.
See Also