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ASPxPivotGrid.CreateDrillDownDataSource Method

Name Parameters Description
CreateDrillDownDataSource() none Returns data records used to calculate summary values for all cells.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(Int32, Int32, List<String>) columnIndex, rowIndex, customColumns Returns data records used to calculate a summary value for the specified cell in OLAP and server mode. Allows you to specify the columns to return.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(Int32, Int32, Int32, List<String>) columnIndex, rowIndex, maxRowCount, customColumns Returns data records used to calculate a summary value for the specified cell in OLAP and server mode. Allows you to specify the columns, and limit the number of records to return.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(Int32, Int32, Int32) columnIndex, rowIndex, dataIndex Returns data records associated with the specified cell. Used in OLAP and server mode.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(Int32, Int32) columnIndex, rowIndex Returns data records associated with the specified cell.