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ASPxCardViewPagerSettings Properties

Provides settings that affect the pager appearance and functionality.
Name Description
AllButton Gets the All button’s settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
AlwaysShowPager Gets or sets whether the pager is displayed in the control when there is only one page. Inherited from ASPxGridPagerSettings.
CurrentPageNumberFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to format the text of the numeric button that corresponds to the selected page. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
EllipsisMode Gets or sets how an Ellipsis symbol(s) is drawn to indicate page numbers that are omitted. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
EnableAdaptivity Specifies whether an adaptive behavior is enabled for the pager. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
EndlessPagingMode Gets or sets a value that defines endless paging mode.
FirstPageButton Gets the First button’s settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
LastPageButton Gets the Last button’s settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
Mode Gets or sets whether page-mode navigation is enabled.
NextPageButton Gets the Next button’s settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
NumericButtonCount Gets or sets the maximum number of numeric buttons that can be displayed within a paginated control. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
PageNumberFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to format the text of numeric buttons. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
PageSizeItemSettings Gets the Page Size Item element’s settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
Position Specifies the pager’s position in a grid control. Inherited from ASPxGridPagerSettings.
PrevPageButton Gets the Previous button’s settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
RenderMode Obsolete. Gets or sets a value that specifies the render mode of the pager elements. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
SEOFriendly Gets or sets whether Search-Engine Optimization (SEO) mode is enabled for the control pager. Inherited from ASPxGridPagerSettings.
SeoNavigateUrlFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the pages’ navigation URLs in Search-Engine Optimization (SEO) mode. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
SettingsBreakpointsLayout Provides access to the Card View’s Breakpoint layout mode settings.
SettingsFlowLayout Provides access to the pager’s layout flow mode settings.
SettingsTableLayout Provides access to the pager’s layout table mode settings.
ShowDefaultImages Gets or sets whether default button images are shown. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
ShowDisabledButtons Gets or sets whether navigation buttons that are temporarily disabled are shown. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
ShowEmptyCards Gets or sets whether to show empty cards if the number of cards displayed within the last page fits entirely on the page.
ShowNumericButtons Gets or sets whether numeric buttons are visible. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
ShowSeparators Gets or sets whether separators that separate page numbers are shown. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
Summary Gets the control’s Summary settings. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
Visible Gets or sets whether the pager is visible. Inherited from PagerSettingsEx.
See Also