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Menu Toolbar

  • 3 minutes to read

Menu toolbars are displayed in the ASPxHtmlEditor when the ASPxHtmlEditor.ToolbarMode property is set to Menu.


ASPxHtmlEditor stores menu toolbars in its ASPxHtmlEditor.Toolbars collection, which is represented by an instance of the HtmlEditorToolbarCollection class, and allows individual toolbars to be added, deleted and accessed using an indexer notation or their names.

Individual menu toolbar objects are represented by descendants of the HtmlEditorToolbar class. A toolbar’s visibility and visible order relative to the other toolbars can be controlled by using the HtmlEditorToolbar.Visible and HtmlEditorToolbar.VisibleIndex properties, respectively. To define a toolbar’s unique identifier name, which can be used to obtain the toolbar at runtime, use the HtmlEditorToolbar.Name property.

Each menu toolbar implements the HtmlEditorToolbar.Items collection that can contain a set of toolbar items (default or custom).

You can modify toolbar and item collections at design time using the ASPxHtmlEditor Designer.

Default Toolbars

ASPxHtmlEditor provides the following default toolbars that contain predefined sets of default toolbar items, grouped by specific functionality.

Custom toolbars

The ASPxHtmlEditor allows you to create custom toolbars, which can contain custom or default toolbar items. Represented by the HtmlEditorToolbar class instances, custom toolbars implement ordinary toolbar functionality.