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Import and Export

  • 2 minutes to read

This document provides an overview of techniques, methods, and properties used to load and save documents in different formats.

Load a Document

An end-user can use the standard Open command from the ribbon File tab to load a file into the ASPxRichEdit control. It invokes the built-in Open dialog. You can hide or disable this command to restrict the user’s ability to load documents using the ASPxRichEditBehaviorSettings.Open property.

Call the ASPxRichEdit.Open method to load a document programmatically, either from a file or a stream - the file format can be specified explicitly or deduced from the file extension.

Save a Document

An end-user can use the standard SaveAs command from the ribbon File tab to save a document. This command invokes the built-in Save As… dialog. The ribbon Save command can also be used to save modifications under the same name, without invoking any dialog. Use the ASPxRichEditBehaviorSettings.SaveAs and ASPxRichEditBehaviorSettings.Save properties to restrict the end-users’ ability to save files.

The RichEdit API has the ASPxRichEdit.Save method to save current modifications, and the ASPxRichEdit.SaveCopy and RichEditDocumentInfo.SaveCopy methods that allow you to export a document to any of the supported file formats.

To export a document in PDF, use the ASPxRichEdit.ExportToPdf method. Currently, the ASPxRichEdit cannot load or edit PDF documents.

Specificities of importing and exporting HTML documents

The ASPxRichEdit control does not operate with HTML data directly. Instead, an HTML document is parsed and transformed into an internal document model. Therefore, not every HTML tag can be converted into the corresponding document model element. When exporting a document to HTML, the conversion process runs again, resulting in a document that is different from the original HTML document.

The supported HTML tags are listed in the HTML Tag Interpretation article.

See Also