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Office File API .NET Limitations and Troubleshooting

  • 2 minutes to read

.NET Core

The following feature is not available in the Office File API for .NET Core/.NET 5/.NET 6:

  • Print documents, workbooks, and PDF files (Linux and macOS).

System.Drawing.Common Package

Version 6

With the .NET 6 release, the System.Drawing.Common library is compatible with Windows only. Applications that are built for non-Windows platforms throw the TypeInitializationException and PlatformNotSupportedException exceptions. Refer to the following breaking change for more information: System.Drawing.Common only supported on Windows.

You can set the System.Drawing.EnableUnixSupport runtime configuration switch to true in the runtimeconfig.json file to enable support for non-Windows operating systems and to avoid runtime exceptions:

   "configProperties": {
      "System.Drawing.EnableUnixSupport": true

Version 7 and Higher

The following features are not available in Office File API on non-Windows environments (Linux, macOS) if you use the System.Drawing.Common package version 7 and higher:

  • PDF Graphics subset of the PDF Document API
  • Print and export shapes in Word and Spreadsheet documents
  • Export PDF files to Bitmap images

You can call the DevExpress.Drawing.Internal.DXDrawingEngine.ForceSkia() method at application startup to force enable the new Skia-based drawing engine. Note that this API is marked as internal and we may change it in the future. Refer to the following article for more information on the drawing engines: DevExpress.Drawing Graphics Library